

Practice Area


$225 Thousand

A driver who failed to pay attention to slowing traffic ahead of her rear-ended our client’s vehicle on the 405 Freeway.  As a result of the collision, our client suffered injuries throughout his body. One of his most serious injuries was loss of hearing, along with tinnitus.

When a pre-litigation demand to the at-fault driver’s insurance company went unanswered, KTL filed a complaint to start litigation.  This position of strength went far, as the defense quickly paid the policy limits.

As our client’s injuries exceeded the underlying policy, KTL was then able to trigger his own underinsured motorist coverage.  Our client’s insurance carrier did not value his injuries the same way KTL did, and for a while, it appeared the case was heading towards arbitration. KTL was ready to go to arbitration to ensure that our client’s damages were properly compensated.  As arbitration drew closer, the parties were able to reach a settlement that totaled $225,000 altogether.